Sunday, June 5, 2011

My work on MYP Computer Technology – Grade 8

I think my Digital Portfolio was the best that I ever made, because I did somework on Digital Portfolio so I know what to do and what would be better, and if I had problem, I asked Mrs. Mora and she gave advices. If my friends and fanily saw my Digital Portfolio, they would think that they are also able to make a website to show or post something. I think that I'm interested in Technology, because it was really good lesson and most of work was fun and interesting. But I have to learn more about photoshop; it's an useful and helpful programme. Actually, I didn't use design cycle very well, I used the design cycle olny when I needed it. But I think the design cycle is really helpful, becuase it gives you the whole plan, if I started from planning, you would get the next step, and if you finish it, you would get another step, so it's helpful when you are making something. The MYP Computer Technology Grade 8 course was really interesting and fun. It was very good experience and I also liked it.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

IB Learner Profile Poster - Reflection

1. A reflection about the plan and design stages of your poster.
My group were Ben, Toby and me. We chose 3 pictures each and designed.
2. A reflection about the creation.  How the plan and design stages helped you create it?
We chose one background picture and found picture for each sections. After that we put pictures on and explained what sections were.
3. Discuss possible improvements that could be made to your poster.
We used pictures which got from the internet, so our poster can't use for school. We have to change the pictures.
4. Suggestions for students who will work on a similar product in the future
You will be better to use your own pictures.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Exploring Photoshop

1.  Express your thoughts and/or feelings about the use of Photoshop.
Photoshop gave me two expressions which were exciting and interesting; because it was first that I’m using photoshop.
2.  Write a reflection about your general performance in the tasks related to learning and understanding Photoshop.
All tasks were good experience for me. I learned how to use basic tools in photoshop and I also had lots of fun.
3.  How do you think Photoshop can help you in the production of a website?
I think If we use photoshop in the production of a website, we can decorate our website and we also make some more funny or other things.
4.  And how can you relate Photoshop with your Digital Portfolio?
I think photoshop is include in digital portfolio, so we can think photoshop is one of skill in digital portfolio.